We all know that oral hygiene is important, but are you doing enough to keep your teeth and gums clean? Even if you have a good at-home routine, you should also be getting a professional clean once in a while, but many people neglect this. They assume that they are fine because they clean their teeth at home, and there are lots of great oral hygiene products they can use. However, professional cleaning is still important. So, how often should you get professional teeth cleaning?

Why Is Professional Cleaning Important?

Many people wonder why they need a professional clean in the first place. The main reason is that you may not be cleaning your teeth and gums properly at home. There are many common teeth cleaning mistakes that people make, like not brushing for long enough, using an old toothbrush, or rinsing with water after they brush. If you are making some of these simple mistakes, plaque and tartar will build up on your teeth and, eventually, it will lead to tooth decay. 

The toothbrush that you use at home is also not as powerful as professional cleaning tools. When you have your teeth cleaned professionally, they will be much healthier. This is a big priority because you can’t get your teeth back if you lose them. Poor oral hygiene also leads to several other health issues, so looking after your teeth and gums is essential. 

How Often Should You Have A Professional Clean?

So, now that you know why it’s important, the next question is, how often should you get your teeth professionally cleaned? This all depends on your teeth and gums and how prone you are to dental issues. Some people experience many problems, and they should visit their dentist regularly for cleaning. But if your teeth and gums are healthy and you rarely have any problems, you can leave it longer between cleans. At the very least, you should visit the dentist for a clean once a year. However, if you are prone to dental issues, you should book an appointment every six months. 

Caring For Your Teeth Between Cleanings

People often make the mistake of thinking that professional cleaning will solve all of their dental issues, so they let their dental health routine slip a bit. However, even though professional cleaning gives you a good base to work from, you still need to keep up with your oral hygiene at home. So, make sure you are brushing with a good quality toothbrush for at least 2 minutes. If you don’t already, you should start flossing daily too. Your brush won’t get into the gaps between your teeth, and plaque will build up, so flossing is crucial. If you do notice any problems, don’t wait until your next cleaning to address them. Call your dentist right away and book an appointment. The earlier you catch problems, the easier they will be to deal with. 

If you neglect professional cleaning, you are far more likely to experience oral health problems, so get yourself booked in today.