Your smile is a massive part of your beauty, but even more importantly, your teeth have a tangible impact on your overall health. Unfortunately, many people suffer from tooth decay, leading to cavities and more severe dental problems. 

The best way to deal with tooth decay is to prevent it from worsening. This won’t just improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your confidence, but it will also improve your dental health.

What Causes Tooth Decay

Tooth decay refers to damage and destruction to the structure of your tooth. It’s caused when sugary foods are left on your teeth. Bacteria in your mouth will digest this food and turn it into acid. 

Eventually, the acid will combine with saliva, bacteria, and sugar to form plaque. This plaque clings to the teeth, which allows the acid to attack the surface of the teeth. Eventually, this acid can cause permanent damage to your teeth and even create holes into the enamel called cavities. 

If tooth decay is left untreated, the damage will only get worse. You’ll start to experience toothache and sensitivity. In addition, you may notice visible pitting in your teeth or staining on the surface of your teeth. 

How You Can Prevent Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is prevalent, especially among teenagers. However, you can reduce the chances of tooth decay from developing or stop it from getting worse. The leading cause of tooth decay is sugary food deposits on your teeth.

Certain foods cling more to your teeth, and if they contain starches or sugar, they’re more likely to cause plaque to build up. So if you reduce your consumption of risky foods, like soda, candy, ice cream, and chips, you give plaque less opportunity to develop. 

It would help if you also cleaned your teeth regularly to get rid of plaque or any food deposits. But, again, be thorough, as plaque is more likely to form on areas of your teeth that are undisturbed for expended periods. Fluoride can also help. This mineral is typically found in tap water and toothpaste.

Another possible way to prevent tooth decay is with dental sealants. A dental sealant is a thin, plastic coating painted onto the surfaces of your teeth. It bonds to your teeth, forming a protective shield from food particles and plaque so that they can’t stick to your teeth. 

You should also regularly see your dentist for professional tooth cleanings and checkups. You might not notice the early signs of tooth decay, but your dentist can find them for you. Your dentist can also deal with risk factors, like uneven teeth that are hard to brush correctly.

Treating Tooth Decay

Unfortunately, tooth decay quickly leads to permanent damage. If it progresses too far, your dentist may recommend a filling, which fills in cavities to repair this damage. In more severe cases, teeth may be removed and replaced with artificial teeth. 

It’s essential to make regular dental visits, but seeing your dentist is necessary to experience toothache and sensitivity. This is the best way to prevent permanent damage.