With the holidays here, I know a lot of readers are most likely traveling back to their families. I recently took a journey to visit the “Eureka” state of California. It’s an overdue vacation, but my skin started to act out. Having a full week embracing sunny rays and coming back to the New York dreadful cold weather left my skin flaky dull and overall confused. I made a super easy After Travel Skincare Routine that brung my skin to life.

First is cleansing your skin to be free of daily toxins. You can use your favorite cleanser. Mine is Pacifica. The Sea Foam, Complete Face Wash is not only cruelty-free and sulfate-free; it easily wipes off makeup too. As a daily makeup wearer, this is heaven for my skin. I’m also fond of all things coconut, maybe is my Carribean background buy I gravitate towards it. The coconut oil, including the algae, extract, and aloe vera foaming sensation, leaves my skin squeaky clean.

The second product is a matcha green tea mask from Hebepe. Usually, I’m not a fan of matcha green tea because of its bitter taste. However, I enjoy eating matcha green tea ice cream — enough about food more about SKINCARE. I always use a mud mask after I travel because it is excellent in deep cleansing. It is taking out all the toxins and impurities. The matcha green tea ingredients make it a natural skin brightener.

A bonus about the mask targets blackhead removal and minimizing large pores. I couldn’t get over the scent of the mud mask. The smell left me feeling as if I’m in an actual spa, making me relax effortlessly. I applied the mud mask with the final product of this after travel tutorial, a jade roller. If you haven’t heard about jade rollers by now, I’m impressed., They have been circulating the beauty market all year round and been meaning to get my hands on one. This specific jade roller is from Beauty and Wishes, and I picked it out in Rose Quartz.

In light of traveling to a new place that one is not familiar with can be nerve-wracking. The crystal itself can reduce homesickness, attract positive energies, and maybe even protect against accidents. I mainly chose this stone for this tutorial because it projects self-love. Not only it can enhance when you travel, but it is something not to forget once you come home.

The rose quartz roller has been around for centuries in the Chinese culture and now is making a buzz in the western culture for its Gua Sha technique. Gua Sha is a press-stroking area of the body or face in the form of relaxing and being therapeutic. To sum up is essentially a face massage while applying the mud mask.

There are two ways to use the Jade roller; you can do cold rolling or a warm/hot rolling. In short cold rolling is placing the jade roller in the refrigerator overnight. This method can help decrease puffiness and swelling. Usually, I get this underneath the eye area. However, since I’m using the roller to apply the mud mask, I’m picking the warm/hot rolling method instead.

The warm/hot method is placing the roller in a cup of hot water and letting it sit for a few minutes. The warms temperatures help for blood flow allowing for detoxification and tightening of the skin. The product comes with a booklet that helps direct in which motion you should place the roller on your face. You can get more tips for this After Travel Skincare Routine in the video below:

You can purchase the items for the tutorial below:

1.Cleanser: at Ulta

2.Mud Mask:https://www.amazon.com/Cleansing-Natural-Cleaning-Blemishes-Blackheads/dp/B07FDQXRFR/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1571774003838&sr=8-1&keywords=+green+tea+mud+mask

3.Rose Quartz Jade Roller:http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Y8B9L66

*This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own