With the world opening up little by little every day, people are coming around spending time outdoors. Even if it’s for a few minutes or several hours, it feels great to swap out comfy clothes. Refreshing to put on something a bit dressier, accessories included. Summer, indeed is the best time to show off your jewelry. There are a few white gold earrings to fawn over and make your outfit complete, even if it’s getting out of sweat pants and putting on jeans.

Ear jackets are all about showing off your personality with designs that you can still wear for years to come. One of the most popular trends is white gold. Instead of wearing the traditional hoop earrings, one can opt for different shapes and styles. For example, the white gold earrings I’m wearing in the photo below are fun mini ethically source flowers shape earrings from Aurate.

I style the flower earrings with one of the snazziest dresses I wore since this pandemic started. It felt amazing to dress up for once, especially since I’ve been in hibernation mode for most days. The dress I put on is a silk heather grey. The front of the dress is sewn-in multiple sequins around the neckline with a small v-cut. Although I was outside and about for a couple of hours, it felt great to feel normal again, even if it’s for a little bit.

The bonus of white gold it doesn’t rust or tarnish. White gold is much more able to be hammered or pressed permanently than platinum, so it’s easier to work into intricate designs. Such as the statement style that often trends during the summertime. It’s also less expensive than platinum and is ideal for those who want the look of platinum with the aspects associated with gold.

You can check out other white gold earrings to fawn over below:





  1. Dainty Flower Earrings
  2. Circle of Eternity Earrings
  3. Textured Open Circle Earrings
  4. Moon Stud Earrings
  5. Linear Modern Earrings

Which earrings are your favorite? Let me know in the comments below?

*This blog post is in collaboration with Aurate