It has been a long lockdown, hasn’t it? *sighs and remembers all the things you had planned for 2020/21*. It hasn’t been the best time for self-care; you may have even let yourself go a little (Lockdown hair is no joke). With no one to see, other than your roommate (and your pet if you have one). With nowhere to go other than food shopping at Trader Joe’s to feel something. It has not been the easiest time. Thankfully things are opening up (slowly and carefully). Which means we are slowly being reintroduced to some level of normality. We can finally see people again; we can finally go out and enjoy our leisure time, some of us finally had the chance to go back to work (right, okay, it’s not all good). While it’s important to look and feel good about yourself, whether you’re inside or out, hopefully, the lockdown easing can help reinvigorate us to get back onto a much-needed self-care routine. Here are some tips on how to face the world without feeling like a town troll.

Try something new with your hair.


Lockdown has given us all an opportunity to experiment with our hair and trying new styles. Whether it is a long sweeping surfer mane or a jarhead buzzcut, they’re all great looks. In an ode to feeling your best, the independence to have 100% control over your hair is a liberating experience. But now we can revisit the salon; we should take everything we’ve learned about ourselves and our hair and hone the brand new style. It will bring a renewed sense of self to you and mark this pivotal moment. 



     Smiling seems like a fairly self-explanatory point, but it’s been hard to smile over the past year. There hasn’t been much to put a smile on our faces. However, it is important to smile is another tip to feeling your best. It’s not bogus mysticism; studies show that smiling has been known to make us happy. During the pandemic, it may have led some people into a dental hygiene slip. Without frequent visits to the dentist, it can be hard to keep your smile beaming and sparkling. Poor teeth may not give us much incentive to smile, leading us to languish in a bad mood. I know it can be a scary place but consider revisiting the dentist. For your next check-up, if you live in Hamilton or Ohio, try out Hamilton Riverside Dentistry.

  Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy. It is important to do it. If feeling your best is comfort eating an entire tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream whilst binge-watching all seventeen seasons of Grey’s Anatomy, then you do you! But to look and feel our best, you need to make sure we take care of ourselves, our bodies, and our minds. Now that we’re returning to our regular lives, we’ll hopefully start taking care of ourselves again. In the meantime, I hope these tips have given you some inspiration to retake control of your self-care.