How To Get Back Up Again After Life Knocks You Down And Remain Positive

One minute you're flying; everything in your life seems to be going perfectly, from your career and finances to your health and happiness. Then, out of nowhere, something comes along that knocks the wind out of your sales and leaves you struggling to stay afloat.  (more…)

Simple Habits To Develop if You Want To Improve the Look of Your Teeth

There are a number of great ways to improve the look of your teeth, but many of them involve some kind of procedure that you might not want. For example, you could get dental crowns or tooth whitening to improve your smile, but what if you’re not interested in paying...

Six Steps To Spirituality

Six Steps To Spirituality Living a more spiritual life will bring a plethora of benefits. You will feel calmer, happier, and more able to focus your energies on staying productive. The big question, then, is how? There are many different ways to approach spirituality, but the following six-step plan will...

3 Things Every Woman Should Prioritise for Overall Wellbeing

The world is a stressful place, and it's easy for you to get caught up in your busy life. But, unfortunately, this can lead to neglecting the essential things that keep you healthy. So how can you make sure you're taking care of yourself so that we don't become run...

5 Essential Supplements To Complement Your Workout Routine

You're not just working out to look good in the mirror. Your workouts are an investment in your future health and well-being. The more you take care of yourself now, the better off you'll be when you get older. Many supplements can help your body recover faster after a tough...

4 Ways That Paying Attention to Your Appearance Can Improve Your Life

Today, there are all sorts of excellent services, tools, and avenues available that can help you live your best life.  One of the areas where it's now easier than ever before to take steps to proactively enhance your life is with regards to your appearance and presentation, such as by...

Sip With Purpose- PCOS and Endometriosis Awareness

As the world turned virtual, seeming overnight is a crucial time to educate ourselves more. Especially as a woman, it is riveting that we are still fighting for our rights in this day of age, hence the recent abortion ban as early as six weeks into pregnancy. As we are...

Feeling More Confident In Your Smile – The How’s And Why’s

Confidence is the best way to feel your best self. Without confidence, it can be easy to talk yourself down and not fulfill true happiness. Everyone should feel confident. We are all our person and being unique is something to be proud of. One of the most effective ways to...

My Go To 14K Gold Necklace During This Autumn Season

As the leaves start to change from green to brown, disbelief comes over me, knowing that autumn is here. The slight neglect is due to the random sunny days we're having in New York City. As I prepare to transition the wardrobe into the cooler months, I have a 14K...

Health Essentials Every Woman Should Take Care of Herself

Women need to take care of themselves and make sure they look after their bodies and minds. We all know the importance of eating well, but we don't always think about what we put on our skin or how we look after ourselves in terms of exercise. In this article,...

4 Steps To Improving Your Looks & Feeling More Attractive

It’s all about how you feel about yourself and what’s on the inside that counts. However, part of the equation also has to do with your appearance and confidence in your overall looks. If you’re currently in a slump or could use a little boost of self-confidence, then you might...