12191454_1182818631732655_4938981022518544572_nEver wish your job were customized for you? Just think about it…every time you needed something to do the job successfully, poof it will be right there in front of your eyes. Unfortunately, magic is not real. A little part of my heart still wish it is. I did get to experience the same excitement you get when a magician is pulling a scarf out of his top hat a couple days ago. Why you may ask, it was my last day as a temp for Full Beauty Brands.

fullbeautyThe company has been around for over 100 years. With that said it is one the most trusted company for plus-size women who love affordable fashion. The style is made for a more mature crowd and it’s great for work and day-to-day wear. The experience was different for me since it was the first time I worked with a company that sold solely through catalogs and e-commerce. It was a rollercoaster of 8 months, but I was more taken away with the present I received (this is where the magic comes in) a “New Job Survival Kit”. If you have a friend a relative or a coworker starting a new job in the fashion industry make a D.I.Y. basket is a very thoughtful and gift and they will surely appreciate it. Or if you’re starting a new position yourself don’t worry about wrapping the gift you lucked out. Check out the list below for your new job or dream job:

  1. Any Occupation (Meaning you don’t even have to work in the fashion industry)
  2. Designer
  3. Editor
  4. Stylist
  5. Model
  6. Beauty Expert
  7. Photographer

ANY Occupations: The following are what was in my basket. Each item is great necessities for many jobs. When building a basket make sure you specialized the gift for what the person can use it for. I especially loved how funny each one was.

  • Post it12191879_1182818475066004_9140516341253058373_n
  • White-Out12187867_1182818525065999_7491098846451326351_n
  • Buffer12063867_1182818391732679_4360040082475860319_n
  • Hair Pins12193774_1182818365066015_4110733742178492360_n
  • Pencil12187925_1182818305066021_5461926988408496501_n
  • Gum12108132_1182818285066023_4908553721470640127_n
  • Glue Stick11923598_1182818228399362_4144037405157816065_n
  • Paper Clips12063637_1182818201732698_7234743423603838920_n (1)

On Each List Below Click On The Word To Know Where To Shop At

(Example click on art makers and it will take you take you to a website that sells art markers)

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Designer: If someone got a fashion designer position I will applaud him or her. Designers are a major key in making the industry alive. If you’re trying to become a designer here are some tips. Go to a design school or take summer courses and when you have time apply for an internship (I know we all don’t like working for free but think of it as a beneficial factor). This is going to help you with your skills and prepping you until you make it. No matter what you do, I strongly suggest going through the experience of working in retail. You will know your consumer market and realize the needs and wants even what they hate. After all the hands on experience, get yourself out there by working with a charity or an event and no matter what be aware of fashion news, you aware of the trends but don’t forget to stay true to yourself!!!


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Editor: An editor is up at all hours of the day and travels often so most of the items on the list will be for travel. If you’re trying to become one other than interning for a fashion magazine, there are other ways to start. Email a magazine editor you are fond of. Ask for an informational interview and if you don’t get a job afterward, don’t pout think of it as a lifelong mentor. Pay attention to not only fashion related news but current news as well (I know is boring but is critical for this position).

Gather image from magazines or screenshot pictures that inspire you including color swatches, fonts, advertising, a song, and a movie clip. This will help create a voice in your writing and keep your writing style fresh (This is a great proposal for Bloggers too.)

stylistStylist: If you know someone who landed a styling job these go to items are a great gift. If you’re trying to start a career as a stylist before announcing a freelancer title, go out and try to get a job in any magazine company your style is most relatable to. Get an idea from being a visual merchandiser in retail and take fashion courses to help develop fundamental skills before you establish styling as a career option. Styling is all about creating a trademark find yours and own it because your trademark is what will separate you from the competition.

modellaModel: If your friend wants to become a model support him/or her. This list is mostly for someone who is trying to break out in this industry and is also some essentials. It helps you to make sure you got what it takes. Of course, there is a height and weight factor and if you don’t abide by the typical standards go to an agency that love the fact that you are different from the normal. Hence the models who are making a name for themselves in “Not Your Typical 6’0 size 0 Model” post.

beauty expertBeauty Expert: What is a beauty expert? A hairstylist or a makeup artist in some cases both. The gifts are easy to find in a beauty supply store since it’s a one-stop shop. If not click on each word and check out the different options the website has. If you want to make a name in the industry have a travel makeup kit on the go. Take a job in a makeup store and promote yourself over social media to create a following.

photographerPhotographer: If you someone you know got booked a photography job, skip the basket and gift these items in a box. If you decided photography is for you booking small jobs like family portraits and sweet 16 are a great start. Always photograph your surroundings. If you’re serious about assisting a photographer that is already established do your research

What are items you will add to the list or you will like to see in your basket?

9 thoughts on “New Job Survival Kit:Prepare For The Fashion Industry

  1. I was literally in awe I was just expecting a pizza party and they it was so much more the one great thing about this field is endless opportunities and I’m ready for this one happy you enjoyed the post Hun love you ☺️☺️☺️

  2. I created something similar to this for an ex coworker as well. It was definitely cute & encouraging to her. I wish someone would make something this thoughtful if I ever had to leave for other opportunities! I also love how you put your creativity to the additional ideas too!

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