Coronavirus is getting real, well it has been real! While I’m laying on my full-size bed in my Brooklyn apartment as I type this. Unfortunately, the world is going through a pandemic, and we are living through these trying times. On a positive note, there is something you can do to help. Take time to ask yourself quarantine questions while you are safe at home practicing social distancing.

I’ve been trying to stay busy working on different blogging projects. I am also running a new business (I started a handmade bath product business about a couple of months ago, WaterBruja). I also join the social media trend doing challenges such as the #dontrushchallenge. You might see this challenge surfacing across the interweb where one looks casual in their pajamas, and then they grab a makeup brush hold it across the screen and a second later their dress in full glam.

Other than trying to keep busy, quarantine has been an emotional rollercoaster ride for me. A lot of personal stuff did happen. Overall, I’ve been trying to stay above the surface, but at the same time, I’m not saying it is NOT ok to come to terms with sad feelings. Embrace them! Feel free to express them; you have the right to this again, we’re getting through this pandemic day by day.

I came across an insightful article written by Mary Jo Dilonardo, stating there are six questions to ask yourself daily for a healthier quarantine mindset. The questions are simple, yet it can have a considerable impact not to feel so sluggish. However, to be honest, I don’t ask these questions to myself EVERY DAY. I do have days where I’m just in the mood to binge-watch and be lazy. I feel it is also ok to allow yourself to have this day; you don’t have to be productive daily. It is alright to relax and slow down.

The six questions are:

1. What am I grateful for today?

2. Who am I checking in on or connecting with today?

3. What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today?

4. How am I getting outside today?

5. How am I moving my body today?

6. What beauty am I either creating, cultivating, or inviting in today?

Again I want to reiterate there are no right or wrong answers. There are no exact rules. However, these questions have kept me motivated and help me during this time. Other accepting my lazy days, I also find activities that I hadn’t had time to do before when I was working three jobs. For example, making baked ziti for the first time or doing my nails instead of going to the salon. While I answer these questions, I’m usually in the middle of applying a face mask. Today I decide it to step it up a notch and use a Dead Sea Mud Mask is not only a mask for your face but is gentle enough tp rise on your whole body, from Natural Elephant and also using their Dead Sea Salt so I can bathe and think on how to answer these questions.’

If you want to see how I answer these questions, check the video below: