As with the pandemic, not having an estimated end date taking care of our immune health is critical. The upside is there are many options in the market to help boost the immune system. One of the trending health supplements is ACV gummies (apple cider vinegar). As a vegetarian, I try to stray away from gummy supplements because most of them are made by animal byproducts. Now they have alternatives such as Dr. Emil Nutrtion Apple Cider Vinger gummies. I decided to test out the latest health craze for a week.

Although I mention the ACV gummies help boost immune health, it also helps with bloating, digesting, and weightloss. Since being in the pandemic, the few added weight gain is not my main concern; instead, it’s the bloating. I’ve been binge eating on most days and will like a supplement to help those tedious cravings. I’m having high hopes since people have been raving about ACV gummies for a while now.

I did try ingesting ACV before, however, in the liquid form. Let me tell you; I give people credit who does this because it is incredibly disgusting. I couldn’t tolerate it. However, I am open to taking it in a gummy form hoping for a better taste. Before taking the supplements, I’m the type to get super nauseous; for safety precautions, I had lentil soup before taking the supplements. I did not want to feel sick afterward and make sure I took it with a full stomach.

As I am mentally crossing my fingers, hoping for the best, I took the suggested two ACV gummies for the day. My reaction was ok; I can do this daily and not feel like puking afterward. It does taste exactly like apple cider vinegar. However, the taste is not overpowering is more fruity than anything. I decided to challenge myself for a week and see how I feel. Would I binge eat or not? Would I still feel bloated? Will I not? Only time can tell.

I ate cheese flautas ( a fried flour tortilla rolled with cheese in the center), salad, and white rice for dinner. I’m a stomach sleeper and usually have trouble sleep when I’m eating crazy. The gummies did help; I did not feel bloated and slept through the night. The second day I was a bit of a bad girl. I did remember to take the gummies; however, I was working on my business, and instead of having nutritious breakfast, I cave and had candy. I don’t normally do that, but I was running on adrenaline, and I was angry. For lunch, I did better. Falafel, steam broccoli, and white rice are what I made. I ate a few bites and took my gummies for the day.

I continue trying the gummies out for the week. Overall I found myself not eating my fridge like crazy throughout the day. So yay for not craving every five seconds. I also did not feel bloated, and I will add it to my daily routine. Check me out trying the challenge every day for a week below:

If you like to try the ACV gummies for yourself, click here.


*This post is sponsored, but all opinions are my own