Good sleep is an integral part of living a healthy life and managing to reinvigorate your well-being. However, too many people don’t get enough sleep each night. As an adult, experts recommend getting anywhere between six and eight hours sufficient, but with so many distractions and a seemingly endless stream of work, those hours are difficult to find. If you wake up every day feeling like you didn’t get enough sleep, you should reconsider your bedtime routine, so here are eight steps to help you.

Make Your Bedroom Comfortable 

You can’t expect to have a good night’s sleep if your bedroom is not a comfortable, cozy environment. Most bedrooms are cozy, but they can always be cozier. This means you need to look further than a comfortable mattress and fluffy bed sheets. Consider the ambiance, the lighting, think about distractions, or how loud the bedroom is, as this can impact your sleep quality. If you’re stuck for cozy bedroom ideas, there are plenty of suggestions online that can inspire, but you should also think about what you want, as these ideas may not work for you.

Give Yourself Time to Unwind 

Not enough people give themselves time to unwind at the end of the day. They come home from work and go straight to cooking dinner or catching up on chores. There is never a moment for them to relax, which could impact your sleep quality and affect your bedtime routine. We all need time to unwind and process the day, whether the day was good or bad. So, think about how you can ease yourself out of your day and towards sleep. Consider lighting incense or use sage spray or lavender spray your pillows to help promote relaxation, get out of your work clothes and into something cozy, and switch your phone or laptop off. 

Read A Book or Listen to Something 

Our smartphones have given us endless access to the world around us. However, it’s safe to say that far too many of us spend far too much time scrolling and scrolling without getting anything from it. This isn’t the only problem, though. The Blue Light emits from your phone, and the computer screen tricks your brain into staying awake, making it difficult to sleep. So, if you’re not ready to go to bed just yet, try reading a book. Or listening to something to pass the time. Not only will it keep you off your phone, but it will also help you relax, and it might even teach you something.

Take A Bath 

You might not be someone who needs an excuse to take a bath. But if you’re looking for a fantastic and effective way to start your bedtime routine, a soak in the tub is an excellent choice. Running a hot bath can help regulate your body temperature, which will help you get to sleep. You can also light a candle and use bath salts to relax your muscles. However, it would help if you didn’t bathe right before bed. A suggestion is two or three hours before gives your body the chance to cool down again before bedtime. 

Get Everything Ready For Tomorrow

Suppose you struggle to get to sleep because you’re too busy worrying about things to do tomorrow. It would help if you found ways to take your mind off it. It’s no use ignoring it, though, so consider other options. A useful way to go about this is by preparing everything for tomorrow the night before. This includes what you’re going to wear, any projects to start, or meetings to attend. Knowing that you have everything ready for when you wake up will allow you to drift off with ease. 

Create Complete Darkness 

Complete darkness isn’t for everybody. But if you’re a light sleeper, it could be the difference between long, restful sleep and one that is consistent with tossing, turning, and other disturbances. If you live close to a streetlamp or on a busy road, you’re unlikely to get the full night’s sleep you need. This can severely impact your mental and physical well being. So, invest in blackout curtains to block out as much light as possible. Another suggestion is to put your phone out of sight, so it doesn’t light up during the night. The problem with complete darkness, it can be a struggle to wake up. An easy solution is using a wake-up alarm to ease you out of sleep. 

Don’t Sit Up In Bed For Hours Before Going to Sleep. 

Many people’s bedtime routine involves shutting off the TV and then climbing into bed where they play on their phone for an hour before trying to go to sleep. Even if you have all the coziness you need, this can affect your sleep performance. Experts advise that your bed should only be used for sex and sleeping, so if you’re not ready to go to bed yet, stay up until you feel tired enough to fall to sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow. 

Go to Sleep At The Same Time 

A consistent sleep schedule is vital for creating and maintaining the perfect bedtime routine. This can vary depending on your daytime schedule, and you may find it challenging to go to sleep before 9 PM at first. But, going to bed at the same time will have its benefits. You’ll get enough sleep each night, which will help you feel more energetic, making it easier to get up. You may need to miss out on some things, such as your favorite shows, but that’s the beauty of on-demand TV. You can catch it in the morning, anyway, especially considering you’ll be awake early enough. 

Sweet Dreams 

Everyone gets to an age where they assume that they will never get a decent night’s sleep ever again. But, this is far from true. It may feel as if you can’t sleep well, but this is a product of your lifestyle and environment if you take the right steps to make your bedtime routine as comfortable and consistent as possible. You will have a refreshing feeling and be more energetic every day.